Michael Rood Net Worth – Age, wife, Income, Earnings

Michael Rood Net Worth
Michael Rood Net Worth

Michael Rood Net Worth

Michael Rood, a rich and popular author, historian, teacher, broadcaster, and life-long student of the Bible has risen to fame as the unique “Biblical Chronologist”. According to the 2025 estimates, Michael Rood Net Worth is $700000.

Michael Rood has earned his reputation as the Messianic matador waving his tattered red cape in the face of the religious bull of his generation. Through his preaching, he has brought the Bible to life in teachings that uncover age-old mysteries, restore the Hebrew roots of the Christian faith.

According to a brochure Rood produced to promote seminars, Michael John Rood has been an ordained, nondenominational Christian minister. Moreover, in his life, the “ordination” is from a cult, The Way International (TWI), involving only minor instruction available as an unaccredited TWI program.

The Way International serves as the free love cult founded by Victor Paul Wierwille, who denied Lord Jesus Christ deity. Rood’s teachings and practices hold the reference to the cult widely denounced by Christian leaders as well as TWI’s ex-followers. In this article, you will learn about Michael Rood earnings, income, salary, career and the other details.

Real nameMichael John Rood
Michael Rood Net Worth$700000
OccupationFormer US Marine, nondenominational Christian minister, author, teacher, broadcaster, historian
Michael Rood
Michael Rood

Michael Rood earnings and income means

Michael Rood monthly earnings are $5K. That said, Michael Rood yearly earnings are $60K.

Michael Rood wife

Michael Rood wife
Michael Rood wife

Michael Rood relationship updates suggest that Michael Rood wife is Analil. Certain recent updates also reveal that Michael John Rood had been in the hospital and rehab. Michael Rood wife, Analil, had been by his side always. He had been making remarkable progress toward a full recovery. Michael and “Rood Crew” thank the support they had got.


  • Channel name: A Rood Awakening!
  • Joined on: 8th August 2007
  • Number of subscribers: 290K+


Michael Rood became very famous as he dogmatically and bombastically predicted prophetic “Day of the Lord” beginning on the Feast of Trumpets. All of this happened in the fall of 2000. The hilarious part is that it never happened, and at that time, he started giving excuses.

Michael Rood had also shared his life story — and insight regarding what’s coming next! Real Michael Rood has shared insight regarding Baptist befuddlement and a passion for Ashkenazi heritage to a calling.

Some people claim that Michael Rood is an author, teacher, broadcaster, historian, and life-long student of the Bible. He has come up with the unique “Biblical Chronologist.”

A Rood Awakening! the YouTube channel mentions that Former US Marine Michael Rood aimed to challenge long-standing traditions alongside the man-made religious systems.

Moreover, he had always focused on building an accurate interpretation of the Hebrew Scriptures. The television series Prepare for a Rood Awakening! has proved to be one of the most energetic expositions of scriptural truth. The Michael Rood Net Worth has listed him in the top celebrity’s net worth and top YouTuber’s net worth.

Controversy- Michael Rood Is A False Prophecy Teacher

This End Times Deception study focuses on Michael Rood, who claims himself a Messianic teacher. Some Christians trust Michael because due to the Hebrew sources. According to Michael’s claims, one cannot understand the New Testament from Greek or as a form of the Greek translation. What makes him so controversial is that Revelation prophecy fulfillment does not hold any base. ‘Hebrew’ version of Revelation hasn’t helped Michael Rood.

The major point that he has been holding on to is the futuristic one-man antichrist. However, some revelations suggest that saints have been proclaiming the office of the papacy for 1,000 years.

The Protestant Reformers had also mentioned their statement that the office of the papacy fulfills Bible prophecy. These are in the Son of Perdition of 2 Thessalonians 2, the Little Horn of Daniel 7, and the antichrist beast of Revelation.

It’s worth noting that there is no future 7-year tribulation period. The strong point to this statement is that the 70th week of Daniel had been fulfilled on time. All of this happened after the 69th week when Messiah and disciples confirmed with the Jews that he had been the promised Messiah who approved the everlasting covenant with blood.

Rood brought in themes and practices which made TWI a cult of Christianity.

All of the controversial statements started when Michael John Rood and teachings proved not credible or accurate. He isn’t a trained, certified, or recognized Rabbi. Moreover, teachings and practices by Michael John Rood are from a cult, The Way International, incorporated in 1954. Christian leaders and TWI’s ex-followers have ensured that his statements make no sense.


Who is Michael Rood?

Michael Rood is a self-proclaimed Messianic preacher ordained as a Christian minister in The Way International (TWI). He is famous as an author, historian, teacher, broadcaster, and life-long student of the Bible.


Michael John Rood started it after returning from a ROOD AWAKENING tour, Israel, in the fall of 2004.

How long has been the Ministry of Michael Rood?

The teaching of Michael Rood is in direct opposition to the Word of God as stated in the “70 weeks of Daniel prophecy”. This revelation states the 3 1/2 year ministry of the Messiah.

How is Michael Rood health?

He had opted for changing diet and gradually started overcoming heart problems. Now, he is doing great.

What is Michael Rood update?

The well known author, historian, teacher, broadcaster, and life-long student of the Bible Michael Rood has tried his best to change his eating habits and has started recovering from health issues.

What is the Michael Rood store?

Michael Rood website roodstore.com has The Chronological Gospels Study Guide, The Chronological Gospels eBooks and DVDs and Blu-Rays collections.

What happened to Michael Rood?

He had been suffering from health issues. He changed his diet and gradually he recovered.

Where is Michael Rood now?

He is President of Kingdom Now Ministries International.

Where is Michael Rood today?

The author, historian, teacher, broadcaster, and life-long student of the Bible, Michael Rood is President of Kingdom Now Ministries International.

Who is Michael Rood married to?

Michael Rood is married to wife Analil.

Who is Michael Rood wife?

Michael Rood wife is Analil.

How old is Michael Rood?

Michael Rood age is 74 years.

How is Michael Rood doing?

Michael Rood has been released from the stroke rehab facility and is back home with his wife, Analil. He had been suffering from health issues. He changed his diet and gradually he recovered.

Is Michael Rood still alive?

Yes, he is.

Is Michael Rood sick?

He had been sick at some point. He had been suffering from heart issues but started recovering.

Final words

Though many controversial points surround him, there are reasons for the high Michael Rood Net Worth. Many people feel that his statements are true. Stay tuned to get further updates.


  1. You don’t know your bible to call him a a false prophet. PICK UP A BIBLE AND READ IT IN THE ORIGINAL LANGUAGE


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