LeBron James Phone Number (2025)- Email, Address, Contact

LeBron James Phone Number
LeBron James Phone Number

LeBron James phone number

2025 updated information highlight that the LeBron James phone number is 305-767-2226. Explore more about LeBron James updated Phone Number, email address, contact details, as well as the house address.

The well known American professional basketball player, rose to fame as one of the greatest players of all time and is often compared to Michael Jordan in debates over the greatest basketball player ever.

Nike had set up a phone line where fans could call in and leave a message for James: 305-767-2226.

LeBron James real nameLeBron Raymone James Sr.
Updated LeBron James phone number/ New LeBron James phone number305-767-2226 (4G Enabled); LeBron James Office Phone Number: (216) 771-2323; LeBron James fax number: (216) 771-2333
LeBron James WhatsApp number305-767-2226; LeBron James Office Phone Number: (216) 771-2323; LeBron James fax number: (216) 771-2333
LeBron James Texting number305-767-2226; LeBron James Office Phone Number: (216) 771-2323; LeBron James fax number: (216) 771-2333
LeBron James Websitelebronjames.com
LeBron James Email IDadmin@lebronjames.com
LeBron James Fan mail Address/ LeBron James Autograph AddressLeBron James, Klutch Sports Group, LLC, 822 N Laurel Avenue, Los Angeles, CA USA; LeBron James, LRMR Management Company, LLC, 3800 Embassy Parkway, Suite 360, Akron, OH 44333, USA
LeBron James House Address/ LeBron James Residence AddressLeBron James, Beverly Hills House, 9955 Beverly Grove Drive, LA, USA; LeBron James, Brentwood, 221 S. Rockingham Avenue, USA
BirthplaceAkron, OH
What is LeBron James Phone Number?
What is LeBron James Phone Number?

LeBron James phone number and additional contact details

To get connected with the highly acclaimed sportsperson with the most searched phone number, we would recommend you to check out the following list:

LeBron James phone number: 305-767-2226

LeBron James Email address: admin@lebronjames.com

LeBron James house address

Are you looking for the correct address of LeBron James? The LeBron James house address 2025 is: LeBron James, Beverly Hills House, 9955 Beverly Grove Drive, LA, USA; LeBron James, Brentwood, 221 S. Rockingham Avenue, USA.

LeBron James fan mail address

People usually keep asking:

What Is LeBron James Address To Send Mail?


What Is LeBron James Address For Letters?

It’s easy to send the fan mail by sending the mails to the address:

LeBron James, Klutch Sports Group, LLC, 822 N Laurel Avenue, Los Angeles, CA USA.

LeBron James Agent And Manager details

For ease of getting connected with the sportspersonwe would like you to have a look at the LeBron James agency and management details as follows:

Who isย LeBron James Agent?

LeBron James has signed with Brad Cafarelli at PMK BNC for publicity services. Nashville firm Schmidt Public Relations previously represented LeBron James.

Who is LeBron James Manager?

Rich Paul is an American sports agent based in Cleveland, Ohio, who founded Klutch Sports Group, which represents LeBron James.

LeBron James Social Media Handles

The repeated searches for LeBron James phone number have ranked the sportspersonโ€™s name in the category of the top celebrityโ€™s contact details list. But for the ease of getting connected, have a look at LeBron James Social Media profiles as follows:

  • TikTok Account: james lebron
  • Facebook page: LeBron James
  • Twitter Account: LeBron James (@KingJames)
  • Instagram Account: kingjames (@kingjames)
  • Snapchat: kingjames

Did LeBron Jamesโ€™ phone number really get leaked?- the secret behind leaking the phone number

LeBron James’ real phone number was shown in a commercial after he won a championship in 2013.

It’s worth noting that LeBron James’ old Nike commercial encouraged fans to leave the superstar a message on his answering machine. When he won his second championship with the Miami Heat, Nike ran a campaign centered around James and his answering machine, receiving messages from the legends.

The campaign aimed to celebrate James’ second championship, and fans could dial the number 305-767-2226. Some could really leave a message for King James.

But the truth is that the number wasn’t his personal number. Nike dedicated a series of digits solely to the campaign.

The Nike Commercial Wanted You to Leave LeBron James’ Answering Machine a Message

LeBron James doesnโ€™t possess an answering machine.

Nike continued its longstanding campaign of LeBron-centric ads when it debuted a new television spot featuring friends of the Heat superstar leaving him messages in the wake of his second NBA title.

The commercial spotted by Sean Highkin of USA Today, is either haunting or spectacular, depending on your view of James. But, it gave the interesting look into the world of an NBA champion after achieving his lifeโ€™s greatest goal for the second year in a row.

The machine clicks through the messages, including congratulations from famous friends like Bill Russell Dr Dre and others. 

Warren Buffett too texted and many didnโ€™t even know he had met James.

How Can I Contact LeBron James?

Contact LeBron James via LeBron James Contact Information: Phone Number 305-767-2226, Email Address admin@lebronjames.com, as well as social media handles.

How to Send Fan Mail to LeBron James?

Have you been looking for the fan mail address of LeBron James? Your search is over! Get the option to send letters to LeBron James through the verified Fan Mail Address. The Fan Mail Address of LeBron James is LeBron James, Klutch Sports Group, LLC, 822 N Laurel Avenue, Los Angeles, CA USA; LeBron James, LRMR Management Company, LLC, 3800 Embassy Parkway, Suite 360, Akron, OH 44333, USA.

How to Contact LeBron James by Phone?

Try getting connected with the American professional basketball player for the Los Angeles Lakers of the National Basketball Association (NBA) via the phone number 305-767-2226.

How to get an Autograph from LeBron James?

Get an autograph from LeBron James. For that, there is a need to send an autograph request letter along with a self-addressed stamped envelope letter by mail. The official Autograph request Mailing Address of LeBron James for all fans is LeBron James, Klutch Sports Group, LLC, 822 N Laurel Avenue, Los Angeles, CA USA; LeBron James, LRMR Management Company, LLC, 3800 Embassy Parkway, Suite 360, Akron, OH 44333, USA.

We have been updating the phone number of similar other personalities. Check out our recent posts.


What Is LeBron James Cell Phone Number?

LeBron James Phone Numberย is 305-767-2226.

What Is LeBron James Email Address?

LeBron James Email Addressย is admin@lebronjames.com.

What Is LeBron James Real Phone Number?

LeBron James Phone Number realย is 305-767-2226.

Where Does LeBron James Live?

LeBron James lives in a 13,000-square-footย Beverly Hillsย mansion that’s made up of at least four structures for $36.8 million.

Where Is LeBron James From?

LeBron James is Fromย Akron, OH.

Where Is LeBron James Now?

LeBron James lives in a 13,000-square-footย Beverly Hillsย mansion that’s made up of at least four structures for $36.8 million.

How Can I Meet LeBron James 2025?

Meet LeBron Jamesย viaย LeBron James meets and greetsย available from a booking agency.

What Nationality Is LeBron James?ย 

LeBron James Nationality Isย American.

Where Does LeBron James Live Now?

LeBron James lives in a 13,000-square-footย Beverly Hillsย mansion that’s made up of at least four structures for $36.8 million.

How Much Does It Cost To Book LeBron James?

Cost To Book LeBron Jamesย is a minimum of $500000.

What Is LeBron James Management Company?

NBA isย LeBron James Management Company.

What Is LeBron James Fan Page?

LeBron James Fan Pagesย are LeBron James Fanpage (@lebronuniverse) โ€ข Instagram, Lebron James fan page (@lebronjamesfanpage55) TikTok, LeBron James Fanpage โ™• on Instagram – Pinterest, Lebron James Fanpage – Facebook, LeBron James Fans (@LeBronTeam) ยท Twitter, LeBron James Fanpage (@thelebronfans) โ€ข Instagram.

What Is LeBron James Business Company?

LeBron Jamesย has taken equity in brands likeย smart gym-maker Tonal and ride-share giant Lyftย as well. Then there’s SpringHill, the TV and movie production outfit built by James and business partner Maverick Carter.

What Is LeBron James House Location?

LeBron James lives in a 13,000-square-footย Beverly Hillsย mansion that’s made up of at least four structures for $36.8 million.

Final words

Our team is trying to find out further LeBron James phone numbers real. Share your opinion regarding getting connected with him. Also, stay tuned for further updates.


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