Bruno Mars Phone Number (Viral) – Contact, House address, Email

Bruno Mars Phone Number
Bruno Mars Phone Number

Bruno Mars Phone Number

Bruno Mars, American singer, songwriter, and record producer is best known for hit singles “Nothin’ on You,” “Locked Out of Heaven,” “Just the Way You Are,” and “Uptown Funk.” According to the 2025 estimates, Bruno Mars Phone Number is (212) 707-2000. The Bruno Mars Fax Number is (212) 765-6284.

Bruno Mars has gained recognition for winning the 11 Grammy Awards. People are very curious to know about his phone number, contact address, and similar information. In this article, you will get all such updates. Explore more about Bruno Mars earnings, income, salary, career and other details.

Real namePeter Gene Hernandez
Bruno Mars Phone Number(212) 707-2000
Bruno Mars AddressBMG Chrysalis US 29 Music Square East Nashville, TN 37203, United States
Bruno Mars Mailing AddressHonolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A
Bruno Mars Cell Phone Number(212) 707-2000
Bruno Mars House AddressBMG Chrysalis US 29 Music Square East Nashville, TN 37203, United States
Bruno Mars Fan Club Website
Bruno Mars
Bruno Mars

Bruno Mars Address

BMG Chrysalis US 29 Music Square East Nashville, TN 37203, United States is the latest updated Bruno Mars Address. You can go through the Official Website to get access to the Bruno Mars Mailing Address. The Bruno Mars office address is BMG Chrysalis US 29 Music Square East Nashville, TN 37203, United States.

Bruno Mars Contact Details

Bruno Mars Official website can give you a lot of the updated information regarding the singer. The Bruno Mars fan mail address details suggest that you mail him at Atlantic records, 1633 Broadway, New York, NY 10019 6708, USA.

The Bruno Mars address information suggests you can get the support through Atlantic records, 1633, record label, Broadway, New York, NY 1001 96708. The phone number is 212 707 2000. There has been a random question regarding Bruno Mars Phone Number, and so he has secured the position in the top celebrity’s contact details list.

We have been updating the phone number of similar other personalities. Check out our recent posts.

Social Media Accounts and Pages

Bruno Mars Social media account details suggest that he is active on social media accounts like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. YouTube is the place where he is quite active, but that isn’t his official account.

Bruno Mars Email Address gives you Information About Bruno Mars and learns Interesting Facts About Bruno Mars.

House Address

Bruno Mars Postal address is Singer Peter Gene Hernandez Aka Bruno Mars, P.O City Los Angeles, California, United States of America.

Social Media Contact Details

  • Instagram Address: brunomars
  • Web:
  • Twitter ID: Bruno Mars
  • Facebook: Bruno Mars
  • Myspace: brunomars
  • YouTube Address: Bruno Mars
  • TikTok Address: @brunomars


What Is Bruno Mars Phone Number?

(212) 707-2000 is the Bruno Mars Phone Number.

What is Bruno Mars Address?

Bruno Mars Postal address is Singer Peter Gene Hernandez Aka Bruno Mars, P.O City Los Angeles, California, United States of America.

What is Bruno Mars Real Phone Number?

Bruno Mars Real Phone Number updates suggest that details-Phone: (212) 707-2000 Fax: (212) 765-6284.

What Is Bruno Mars Address?

Bruno Mars Address is Singer Peter Gene Hernandez Aka Bruno Mars, P.O City Los Angeles, California, United States of America.

What is Bruno Mars Cell Phone Number?

Bruno Mars Real Phone Number updates reveal that the details are-Phone: (212) 707-2000 Fax: (212) 765-6284.

What is Bruno Mars House Address?

Bruno Mars Address is Singer Peter Gene Hernandez Aka Bruno Mars, P.O City Los Angeles, California, United States of America.

What is Bruno Mars Fan Club Website?

Official Hooligans Fan Club is the updated Bruno Mars Fan Club Website.

What is the name of Bruno Mars Official Fan Club?

Official Hooligans Fan Club according to the updated information is Bruno Mars Fan Club Website.

Whats Bruno Mars Real Name?

Peter Gene Hernandez is Bruno Mars Real Name.

How Do I Contact Bruno Mars? 

Regardless of your objective, like getting in touch with Bruno Mars’s agent for the event, or Bruno Mars management for an endorsement, you can contact:

Final words

We have updated the relevant details regarding the Bruno Mars Phone Number. Stay updated with us to get numerous other contact updates regarding your favorite celebs.


  1. Im in Golden Gate, Flordia and the time here is 4:57 11/24/2021. I hope he gets this message, Id love to spend Christmas in LA and walk the streets and be seen by the stars, so they know its me. caught me on twitter, im sure u have a way of finding me

  2. wow i dont believe this is true, im the type of person that has to be standing right in front of u in real life where it is tangible, not non tangible. i need miracle, 2022 he has everything and i have nothing. 5 q, I spend My time years promoting all the stars out there.


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