Adam Sandler Phone Number (2025)- Contact, Fan Mail, Address

Adam Sandler Phone Number
Adam Sandler Phone Number

Adam Sandler Phone Number

2025 estimates reveal that the Adam Sandler Phone Number is +1(310)684 8746. Explore more about Adam Sandler updated contact details.

Adam Sandler, in full Adam Richard Sandler, is popular as an American comedian known for his portrayal of infantile but endearing characters.

Adam Sandler Phone Number+1(310)684 8746
WhatsApp Number+1(310)684 8746
Texting Number+1(310)684 8746
House address/ Residence addressAdam Richard Sandler, 1422 Capri Drive, Los Angeles, USA
Email ID/ Email
Fan mail address/ Autograph addressAdam Sandler, Happy Madison Productions, 17 North Street, Manchester, NH 03104-3016, USA OR Adam Sandler, Brillstein Entertainment Partners, 9150 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 350, Beverly Hills, CA 90212, USA
Adam Sandler’s ManagerSandy Wernick Brillstein-Grey Entertainment 9150 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 350 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Phone: 310-275-6135
Adam Sandler’s AgentAdam Venit Endeavor Agency 9601 Wilshire Boulevard 3rd Floor Beverly Hills, CA 90210 Phone: 310-248-2000
Adam Sandler’s PublicistCindy Guagenti BWR 9100 Wilshire Boulevard West Tower 6th Floor Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Phone: 310-550-7776
Adam Sandler’s production OutfitHappy Madison Productions 10202 West Washington Boulevard Judy Garland Building Culver City, CA 90232 Phone: 310-244-3100
Office AddressHappy Madison Productions (Production Company) 17 North Street Manchester, NH 03104-3016 USA
BirthplaceBrooklyn, New York, NY
HometownBrooklyn, New York, United States
What is Adam Sandler Phone Number?
What is Adam Sandler Phone Number?

We have been updating the phone number of similar other personalities. Check out our recent posts.

Adam Sandler house address

Are you looking for the correct address of Adam Sandler? The Adam Sandler house address 2025 is Adam Richard Sandler, 1422 Capri Drive, Los Angeles, USA. 

Adam Sandler fan mail address

Fans keep asking:

What Is Adam Sandler Address To Send Mail?


What Is Adam Sandler Address For Letters?

It’s easy to send the fan mail by sending the mails to the address: Adam Sandler, Happy Madison Productions, 17 North Street, Manchester, NH 03104-3016, USA OR Adam Sandler, Brillstein Entertainment Partners, 9150 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 350, Beverly Hills, CA 90212, USA.

Adam Sandler Agent And Manager details

For ease of getting connected with the comedian, actor, and filmmakerwe would like you to have a look at the Adam Sandler agency and management details as follows:

Who is Adam Sandler Agent? 

William Morris Endeavor serve as Adam Sandler Agent. Adam Sandler Agency address is WILLIAM MORRIS ENDEAVOR 9601 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills, California USA.

Who is Adam Sandler Manager?

Sandy Wernick serves as Adam Sandler Manager.

Adam Sandler Social Profiles

The repeated searches for Adam Sandler Phone Number have ranked the actor in the category of top celebrity’s contact details list. But for your convenience, we would recommend you to have a look at the Adam Sandler Social Media handles:

  • Instagram Id: @adamsandler
  • Facebook page: Adam Sandler
  • Twitter Id: @AdamSandler

Try getting connected with the American comedian, actor, screenwriter and producer via the phone number +1(310)684 8746. Get further information about similar celebrities like Adam Beach.


What Is Adam Sandler Cell Phone Number?

Adam Sandler Mobile Number is +1(310)684 8746.

Where Is Adam Sandler From?

Adam Sandler is From Brooklyn, New York, NY.

How Can I Meet Adam Sandler 2025?

Meet Adam Sandler via Adam Sandler meet and greets available from the booking agency.

How Much Does It Cost To Book Adam Sandler For A Show?

The cost To Book Adam Sandler For A Show is around $500000.

What Is Adam Sandler Fan Page?

Adam Sandler Fan Pages are Adam Sandler (@adam_sandler.fanpage), Instagram, and Adam Sandler Fan Club.

Final words

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