Salt And Tar Net Worth – Revenue Generation Streams

Salt And Tar Net Worth
Salt And Tar Net Worth

Salt And Tar Net Worth

Salt And Tar, the highly popular sailing YouTuber couple, have been sailing together for the last six or so years. According to the 2025 estimates, Salt And Tar Net Worth is $900K. Explore the most recent updates regarding their earnings and other details about their life.

Garrett and Ruth Jolly present their journey in building a George Buehler designed wooden sailboat on the outskirts of the small village of White Salmon, WA. Then they completed the build at the Napa Valley Boatyard until they launched! The pair love everything about the cruising life and plan on living like sea gypsies for the rest of their lives.

Salt And Tar real nameGarrett and Ruth Jolly
Salt And Tar Net Worth$900K
BirthdayRuth – 24 September, 1989; Ruth Jolly – 1990
BirthplaceWhite Salmon, WA, USA
AgeGarrett Jolly – 35; Ruth Jolly – 35
HeightGarrett Jolly – 5 feet 6 inches; Ruth Jolly – 5 feet 9 inches
WeightGarrett Jolly – 67kg; Ruth Jolly –87 kg
ProfessionSailing YouTubers
Salt And Tar
Salt And Tar

Earnings and income means- A detailed insight

Salt And Tar monthly earnings, as per our findings, are around $20K to $30K. That being said, Salt And Tar yearly earnings are around $240K to $360K.

Revenue generation streams

It’s understandable that diversified revenue streams help meet goals while also providing financial security. The well paid sailing YouTube stars thus has opened up various revenue streams as follows:

Income Generation StreamAmount Generated
YouTube Advertising Revenue (Salt & Tar)$6000 – $10000 per month
YouTube Sponsorship Revenue$100 – $700 per post/ $300 – $2100 per month
Instagram Sponsorship Revenue$50 – $500 per post/ $150 – $1500 per month
Product sales, sponsorships, or affiliate commissions$1000 – $3000 per month
Donations via Patreon (PayPal $500 – $2000 per month
Donations via PayPal ($500 – $2000 per month

Investment Strategies and Real Estate

The sailing YouTube pair have always been on the move and have sold off their houses. They do not intend on living a luxurious lifestyle. Rather, all they are focused on is earning enough to live a normal lifestyle.

Boat collection and Investment in sailing

Salt And Tar Boat

The high earning sailing YouTube personalities own expensive boats, including the 35′ wooden sailboat S/V Rediviva and S/V Button 2. They also owned George Buehler 40-foot yacht. The pair previously owned a 1946 36-foot Johnna Hanna Ketch.

The YouTube pair invest around $50,000 in their boats and also make upgrades for $500-$5000 per year.

YouTube details

  • Name of the channel: Salt And Tar
  • Joined on: 15 Sept 2015
  • Number of subscribers: 84.5K+

Salt And Tar bio

Salt And Tar bio

The highly recognized sailing YouTube couple Ruth and Garrett have been together since they were 15 and have been sailing together for many years. The pair love everything about the cruising life and plan on living like sea gypsies for the rest of their lives.

Picky about their boat, Ruth and Garrett have a passion for traditional wooden boats and often prefer the ways of old with anything they do. It took the pair six years and six different boats to realize that they had a hopeless self-destructive addiction to wooden boats, and that wouldn’t change.

Highlight on Early Life and Career

Salt And Tar career

Salt And Tar feature boats S/V Rediviva and S/V Button 2. By now, they’re planning to sail around the world and will start in the Caribbean.

The first boat together was a run-down 30-foot fiberglass sloop, totally bare and smelled like fish pits, but it was good enough to get sailing. The boat had no engine, no toilet, no water, and sails from 1964. countless hours fixing little turd up set sail the boat for Mexico when Garrett and Ruth Jolly were 18.

After sailing around in the sea of Cortez for a bit, Garrett and Ruth decided that life was definitely for us. They wished to go with more serious sailing and get a boat suited for blue water. After selling the little sloop, Garrett and Ruth started boat searching with the plan that we would buy another fixer-upper fit for blue water sailing. The pair found Baltia and began a love affair with wooden boats.

Baltia was a 1946 john Hanna ketch, 36ft on deck with a beam of 13 ft, and weighed 37,000 lbs. Garrett and Ruth mention that she was quite the beast. Baltia thought Garrett and Ruth’s first wooden boat, but they ended up selling her.

After living aboard, Garrett and Ruth made the decision to sell her after uncovering some bigger issues with her hull. After four years of working on wooden boats, Garrett and Ruth went ahead with nautical ramblings in the form of a kettenburg 40 called Bravata. Bravata, a racing boat, was a 40-foot mahogany racing sloop built in 1959.

Bravata was a gentleman’s yacht Built like fine furniture out of real old-growth mahogany. She was rotted out, didn’t have an engine, and needed about eight new frames. Napa Valley Boatyard was awesome and let Garrett and Ruth haul her for the refit.

Ruth got an awesome job at a wine shipping company while Garrett set to work on Bravata. Garrett built her a new stern, fixed her frames, and dropped an old diesel in while Ruth kept themselves both very hydrated with amazing wines.

Garrett and Ruth launched on day 30. The pair also learned they could make a living from fixing up the old wooden boat, then selling it and saving an awesome part of history that may have been destroyed otherwise.

Ronin was next, a 1951 Ralph Winslow ketch, and by far our most ambitious project. She needed some plank repairs as well as numerous structural repairs. After stripping her interior, Garrett and Ruth hauled her for the refit.

  • Crew Members

Garrett Jolly and Ruth Jolly have been together since they were 15 and bought their first sailboat together when they were 17.

  • The Boat

George Buehler 40-foot yacht is one of the popular boats they own. The pair previously owned a 1946 36-foot Johnna Hanna Ketch. Upgrades to their project boat include New engine and electrical systems, along with putting in tons of carpentry work.

  • Location

The pair lives in the United States, but it isn’t exactly known where they are currently.

Salt & Tar, has earned much popularity lately as a husband and wife duo determined to build a 35 foot custom George Buehler designed wooden gaff ketch sailboat. They are also known for documenting their undertaking. 2.5 years into the project, Garrett and Ruth, popularly known as Salt & Tar, transported the boat to the San Francisco Bay Area.

Equipped only with a few power tools, a 5000W generator, and resolution, Rediviva has grown from a stack of lumber to a boat. The pair left the dock in the Napa Valley Marina after seven years of non-stop building.

Personal Life: Family and Relationship

Regarding Salt And Tar family and relationship, it can be said that Ruth and Garrett are a YouTube couple who have been together since 15 and have been sailing together for many years.


Where Is Salt And Tar From?

Salt And Tar live in the USA.

How Much Is Salt And Tar Worth?

Salt And Tar Net Worth is $900K.

How Tall Is Salt And Tar?

Salt And Tar heights are Garrett Jolly – 5 feet 6 inches, Ruth Jolly – 5 feet 9 inches.

How Much Does Salt And Tar Make?

Salt And Tar earns around $20K to $30K a month.

Final words

We are trying our best to find out further information regarding the YouTube stars besides Salt And Tar Wealth. Do stay tuned to receive further updates from us.

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Sandip Laga is a professional blogger with over 5 years of experience in the field. He has been pursuing his career in digital marketing. Over the years, he has developed a huge interest in learning about celebrity and YouTuber profiles, lifestyles, and net worth. He has always shown his interest in highlighting the career of celebrities for motivating minds.


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